Reviews of these three scanners: Autel MD808, Autel MD802 (Full System) and FoxwellNT510. After finish reading this post, you will agree both are fine to own. 
Review 1:
I have the NT510 with GM program. The NT 510 is the most powerful of these. The truth is that when you look for low cost solutions you must give up something. Be it slow speed or functions. The options are reasonable cost or spend the big bucks for a pro setup. If you need bi-directional including key programming, epb, auto brake bleeding etc, the Foxwell does them for low cost.The display is small and it is not very fast but it does work. The Autel models have a larger display and are faster but don’t do as much. No one can make the decision for you unfortunately. Check the manufacturers description of the capabilities of each product and choose the one that does what you need.
Review 2:
It sucks when I give a recommendation and it turns out wrong for the guy. The Autel is faster, but does not do what the Foxwell will do. The Foxwell is less expensive too. I have both and think they are both good products.
Review 3:
Foxwell NT510 comes with your choice of 1 manufacturers software. You can also purchase up to 5 more manufacturers software at about $60.00 ( the last time I checked) before the 510 is as full as it can get. I think if you need more then you must remove 1 to put in another. Given the amount of functions possible with the 510 it is a good buy. The Autel is faster and has a cleaner interface, but the Foxwell does more. It is a tough decision to make about which one will be better for you. I purchased both and have used both.
Review 4:
Got the Autel MD808 Pro on Friday and this thing is amazing. Did a full scan(all modules) on a 2012 Pilot and it really picked this thing apart. I need to find and print an updated acronym list and all will be good. For the price this thing is hard to beat.
Review 3:
The maxicheck used to be able to do TPMS, but they removed it. If you purchased it recently, you could probably return it for that particular reason. It seems common for them to remove specific functions from one or the other to reduce overlap in functions that a scan tool can perform so they can sell even more tools. If they did a better job of updating what each tool can do, I think they would sell even more of them. It’s best to contact autel directly and ask about specific functions before committing to purchasing one due to all the outdated information that still is posted on various sites. If you look at some of the comparison charts for example, you would still see that the Maxicheck is listed as having tpms capability. I emailed autel about the MD808 a while back specifically asking what it could do tpms related. The representative that responded said it could read live tpms data, but could not register sensor id’s.