AUTEL G-BOX tool Mercedes Benz BMW All Keys Lost
To use with both the Autel MaxiIM IM608 and Auro IM600.
The Autel G-Box is designed to be used on Mercedez-Benz vehicles with DAS3 CAN EIS/EZS in AKL.
It helps to reduce the time for reading the ECU data from W204 and W207 EISs by over 85%.
AUTEL G-BOX tool Features:
Mercedes benz all keys lost, faster password calculation
Used with IM608 or IM508 with XP400
Used for faster mercedes ECU data and EIS password calculation
Mercedes DAS3 can EIS/EZS all keys lost
Reduce time reading W204 ECU data & W207 EIS by over 85%
No need to remove and reinsert the key for W221 & W164 after 2009 models
BMW DME/DDE ISN reading and writing in boot mode
AUTEL G-BOX tool For sale :