
How to Check IMMO Supported Car List in Autel IM508/IM608?


Not sure whether the key programming function or IMMO part replacement function is supported for a specific vehicle or not? Here is a way that can help to check in Autel MaxiIM IM508 & IM608 scan tool directly. Certainly, you can also find it in most Autel Diagnostic Tools.


Step1. Go to “Function Viewer”;

Check Immo Supported Car List In Autel Im508 Im608 (1)


Step2. To get symbol annotation, press question button on the top right corner;

Check Immo Supported Car List In Autel Im508 Im608 (2) Check Immo Supported Car List In Autel Im508 Im608 (3)


Step3. Select appropriate Autel scanner model & car maker/model/year to search results in the form;

Check Immo Supported Car List In Autel Im508 Im608 (4)


Now you can check the IMMO function supported car list.

Thanks to https://www.auteldiag.com/


